Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 21 - Awesome with the Trusses Up!

First of all, Paul De Jong is doing ok today. He let Chad drive, though, when they stopped by to check on something with their septic installation. Good to hear that he is handling the discomfort okay and nothing is broken.

As reported earlier, the Amish were not supposed to be working here today. Since we got less than 1/2"  of rain, however, they decided to take advantage of a beautiful day with light breezes and keep cracking on the roof. It's quite amazing to see the transformation of the structure.

We're blessed to be in our position to observe and interact with the construction process on a daily basis. We made a request this morning to bump out one wall of the master bedroom closet by a foot which will be an easy change. Nice to be here to get that handled so easily.

Drew Power stopped by at noon and we made our final decisions on the siding so he can get the order placed.

Connor got to check out the action from the Gator this morning. And, mom and dad, he has the seatbelt fastened. He is thoroughly enjoying rides in the Gator with Trapper in the back.

By mid-afternoon all the trusses are up. I walked through and around the house to snap these shots before we head into town. When Connor gets up from his nap we're going to Centerville to shop and have some dinner.

They've started putting up plywood sheathing on the roof before they quit for the day.
It's pretty awesome if I do say so myself!
Connor just got up and says, "Are they still working on the house? Wow, are they almost done? They still have to put some carpet in it."

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Looking bigger every day. Better get that carpet ready or Connor will be on your case!
