Monday, August 20, 2012

August 20 - Ready to get stoned

No, not what you're thinking!

The Centurion Stone installation guys from Des Moines arrived today and are now busy prepping for the installation of the exterior stone on the front of the house. This will only be done on the front of the house. Later on, they'll be back to do the fireplace and other interior stone we requested. Consider these the "before we got stoned" pictures.

Our new entry door was installed late last week. 
There's a temporary door in place until the end of the project.

 This is called "Bucks County" 3-blend...there are three different stone sizes in the blend.

On Saturday, the Geostem guys were back to connect the 4 geothermal wells to the house. We're moving ahead on getting the heating and cooling system installed. Today, the Moorman Heating guys showed up to cut openings for floor registers and marked the areas to be cut for cold air returns. 

It is nice to have my son Frank here with us through the week. The Red Cross flew him all the way back from Korea for his grandfather's funeral this past weekend. It's his first time seeing Sundown and the place where we will soon call home. We might just put him to work on a few things before the week is up. He will be heading back to Seoul on Saturday morning. Until then, we'll enjoy some special time with our son.

Tom Lenig's guys were busy in the lower level installing plywood in the mechanical room in preparation for the furnace installation.

Entrance to the mechanical room at the bottom of the stairs.

1 comment:

  1. Uh, huh. And your not planning to get Frank stoned too while he's here? right........ :-)
