Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oct. 25 - Pics of Screened Porch

Here are some pics of the (almost) finished interior of our lower level screened porch under the deck. We used exterior siding on the walls and the windows are framed/trimmed now. Of course, I still have to stain the wood trim around the windows.

I forgot to mention that last Saturday morning all the coax cables were installed from the roof to the basement so that we can have Dish TV service, Wildblue internet service and a cell phone repeater installed on the roof with the equipment in the lower level. That had to be done before the insulation went in the attic.

Today is starting out at 65 degrees headed for the low 40's by sundown. The wind blew hard out of the south all night and there's hardly a leaf left on any of the trees. From our rental home we can virtually see the whole lake now that the leaves are gone.

A whole bunch of materials were delivered by Lockridge yesterday afternoon which means I've got a lot of trim painting to catch up on before I can finish staining the oak doors and trim in the lower level. But the garage is so crowded with materials that I don't know if I've got the room to start painting once again. All the materials to finish the inside stairwell and railing arrived, too. 

We also have all the material for closet organizers and pantry shelving on hand. Tom was busy yesterday working in the master closet and pantry. He also installed more smoke detectors and lighting as was working alone yesterday. Chuck was on another job for the day.

Yesterday afternoon I took the boat into Centerville and dropped it off to get it winterized. I bought a 100# LP tank and then had it filled and installed by MFA Oil before the end of the afternoon. This will supply LP to our fireplace (only). We have not started the fireplace yet. Supposedly you have to run it on high for several hours the first time it is used to break it in properly. Now that it's suddenly turning colder our timing is good.

Brenda and I also had a conversation with Paul DeJong about finish grading around the house once the rain gutters are done. No gutters this week as they are running behind with all the rain in the area lately. Hopefully we'll get those installed next week and then paul can swing into action. We gave him a copy of the landscaping plan to be ready for executing some of that plan next spring.

Brenda has been busy shopping for some laundry cabinets online and a laundry sink. The cabinets are ordered but the sink is not. 

Larry the Tile Guy grouted a good share of the bar area floor yesterday afternoon so we can walk through that area and will be working on the lower level bathroom and shower today. He has to finish the showers before Tom can turn on the water and have a working toilet in the house.

So, after some coffee and breakfast I'd better get back to work.

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