Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oct. 11 - Wood floor is done. Trim work underway.

Tom and Chuck are busy putting up interior doors and trim. I'm painting trim and staying just ahead of their needs. Below are the french doors to Brenda's "Do Room" in the hallway to the garage.
(I don't know how I decided that I could stain all these interior doors myself.)

The crew from Phillips Floors finished up the hardwood floor installation late yesterday afternoon.

Larry the Tile Guy started the tile floor in the master bath today. Tuesday, I painted the wainscotting on the walls. The picture below shows the area where the vanities will be installed next week.

I had a 2nd meeting with a young man who has a landscaping business this afternoon. He is planning to share his ideas with us by the middle of next.

We are preparing for the arrival of our kitchen cabinets early next week and measuring for our countertops on Wednesday. We were notified that our refrigerator was backordered but only until October 22nd.  Perhaps we'll have a functional kitchen by the first week in November.

Oh, ya. Not sure if I told you all about this one. The replacement panels for the big garage door were delivered earlier this week and guess what?  When we unwrapped the, we noticed that the top panel with the windows had dent/crease in the middle. So, the original is dented. The first replacement was never delivered because it was dented. Now the 2nd replacement is dented. Anyone want to know who NOT to buy a garage door from? Ultimately, when the last panel shows up I need to paint both panels before they can be installed.

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