Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 18 - Time to get you caught up.

My apologies. But I have not been doing blog updates as promised simply because we are at the end of our billing month for satellite internet service and have been very near our 10 Gb limit for the past week. Brenda and I have been purposely trying to avoid exceeding our download/upload allowance. I'm cheap that way. I hate paying more than I already do each month and tomorrow we start a new month.

Progress has been slower than I expected with the landscaping but it takes a lot of time to pick the right rocks and stack them tightly. Drier weather this week should help. This past week the crew got my front yard and driveway in good shape to handle any more rain and runoff.

Here's what the driveway and hillside looked like before.

Here's what it looks like now.
Had a load of gravel for the driveway delivered this morning. They'll use this gravel for backfill on some of the rock walls also. But most of this load of washed 3/4" rock is to top off the driveway area that was covered with 6" of silt after our 20+ inches of rain since mid-April.

We still need to add rock or mulch on the black ground cover and there will be grasses and shrubs planted above and below the rock wall in the coming days. Rye grass was seeded above the rock wall and covered with straw just in time to take advantage of 0.6" of rain on Friday. The grass should germinate quickly over the next 2 weeks. Runoff from the hillside should be relatively free of this "@$*&')##" clay soil and be channeled towards the ravine.

This week, they started building the wall for the fire pit and steps from the back of house down towards the lake. Here's what it looked like before they started.

They removed more material from the side hill and have placed some big stones.
A perforated drain tile was placed behind the base layer of rocks and backfilled with gravel.

Here's the fire pit wall at the end of the day today....

And, here's a preview of the stone steps.

Coming up with a fire ring design and purchasing the materials is next on the agenda. Any suggestions? 

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